Silicon Deep Etcher (Plasma-Therm SLR)

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Si Deep RIE (PlasmaTherm/Bosch Etch) - DECOMISSIONED

This tool does not exist in this configuration any more, so these recipes are for Reference purposes Only!!!
The machine was upgraded to be the new Plasma-Therm Fluorine ICP Etcher - the chamber configuration is now different, making these recipes invalid.
For Deep Silicon Etching, the Plasma-Therm DSE-iii is often used.  Some single-step Silicon etching is still performed on the SLR Fluorine ICP, due to the slower etch rate.

Bosch and Release Etch (Si Deep RIE)

  • Bosch and Release Processes
    • Ideal for deep (>>1µm), vertical etching of Silicon. Through-wafer etches are possible (requires carrier wafer).
    • Etch rate depends on area of exposed silicon being etched.
    • Al2O3 mask (ALD or Sputter) has >9000:1 selectivity
    • SiO2 (PECVD) mask has ~100:1 selectivity
    • Thermal SiO2 has ~300:1 selectivity.

Single-step Si Etching (not Bosch Process!) (Si Deep RIE)