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Unaxis ICP-PECVD Update

Unfortunately the shipment of repaired parts was significantly delayed. I will be installing them and testing on Tuesday. With any luck the system will be available Tuesday evening.


//Vraj Mehalana 16:26, 26 July 2024 (PDT)

Dicing Saw Service Visit

The annual PM on the tool has been completed. However, there is still the issue with the chuck not rotating a perfect 90 degrees after aligning the first angle, so you will still have to perform alignment for angle #2. ADT is looking into sending us a cal plate to try and rectify this as the first potential solution.


//Vraj Mehalana 10:23, 8 July 2024 (PDT)

Velion FIB Tool DOWN

Raith service have completed the source change, resolved the power supply and column alignment issues, and restored the Pt deposition capability to full capacity. With remote assistance from Raith I will run some calibrations and stability tests over the next few days. After that I will return the tool to general use towards the end of the week.

The new ion source is AuGeSi. We have no plans to return to GaBiLi for the foreseeable future. Please get in contact if you have any questions.


//Vraj Mehalana 10:23, 8 July 2024 (PDT)

ICP1 Down

The board we were waiting on arrived, but it did not resolve the tool issue. We are working with Panasonic on the next steps. //Vraj Mehalana 14:17, 1 March 2024 (PST)

Lab Access Changes: Symmetry App

The iris scanner has been decommissioned. Please use the card reader which supports:

-Physical card

-Mobile phone via Symmetry App

//Vraj Mehalana 16:59, 14 June 2024 (PDT)

Wafer Bonder, (Suss SB6-8E)

SUSS aims to be on site in early February. We’ll will send out an email once I get confirmation for a specific date.

//Vraj Mehalana 14:23, 13 December 2023 (PST)

News & Announcements

News from the U.C. Santa Barbara Nanofabrication Facility.

NanoFab staff awarded Goleta's Innovator of the Year 2023

NanoFab staff member Demis D. John has been awarded the City of Goleta's "Innovator of the Year" for 2023! The award stems from the UCSB Nanofab's impact on the communities of Santa Barbara County and surrounding regions, in enabling cutting edge technology companies to thrive, which also enables many local careers in advanced high-tech. See the full announcement by the Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce. //John d 13:58, 7 November 2023 (PST)

NanoFab Featured in Regional Tech Videos

The UCSB NanoFab is showcased as a driver of innovation and enabler of the regional high-tech industry.

See the videos here:

Santa Barbara County: This is TechTopia
Techtopia Vid - Thumbnail PlayButton.jpg
UCSB NanoFab: An Innovation Center
NanoFab COE Engineering Vid - thumbnail 2 crop.jpg

// John d 09:26, 1 November 2023 (PST)

CHIPS Act Award Announced to USC and UCSB NanoFab

U.S. Congressman Salud Carbajal congratulates UCSB and the NanoFab on receiving a CHIPS & Science Act award, as part of the California DREAMS Hub (Microelectronics Commons) led by USC. // Demis 12:06, 4 October 2023 (PDT)

JEOL SEM's Installed

Both SEM's have been replaced with new JEOL SEM's #1 and SEM #2. SEM#1 has the NABITY lithography system installed, and SEM #2 has always-on EDAX elemental analysis. Contact the supervisor, Aidan Hopkins, for more information. // John d 18:31, 20 September 2023 (PDT)

Wide FOV Microscope Installed

We have installed an AmScope stereo microscope in Bay 4 for wide field-of-view digital imaging/capture, with >2cm of FOV currently available. Wiki page here: AmScope Wide Field of View Stereoscope // John d 14:52, 19 April 2023 (PDT)

Loomis Scribe & Break installed

We have installed a new Loomis LSD-155LT Automated Scribe & Break Cleaving tool in the Back-End Processing lab. Qualifications are underway. Contact supervisor, Aidan Hopkins, for more information. // John d 09:41, 16 April 2023 (PDT)

Dektak XT installed

We have replaced the old Dektak 6M with a new Dektak XT profilometer. This tool will provide robust, fast metrology for rapid in-process topography inspection. // John d 10:41, 25 January 2023 (PST)

New Process Control data tables

We have added "Process Control Data" - data on deposition/etch repeatability - to a number of our highest used etchers and deposition tools. The datasheets are linked in multiple places, mainly on the Recipes pages for each tool, or on the general Recipes pages for Deposition Recipes or Etch Recipes. // John d 16:07, 5 January 2023 (PST)

See older articles at this link

General Information

  • NanoFab Users are responsible for understanding their chemistry, risks and usage of various chemicals. Please read the MSDS sheets for the chemicals you use!
  • Users can add qualified processing data to the Wiki pages; see the Editing_Tutorials for how to do that.
Bay3 v1.jpg
GowningRoom v2.jpg

  • Supervisors of individuals using the facility, e.g., UCSB Principal Investigators and external user managers are ultimately responsible for ensuring that their supervisees have the appropriate knowledge and training to work safely in the facility.
  • They are also responsible for ensuring that all applicable regulatory requirements are met. This includes having a compliant "Chemical Hygiene Plan" per OSHA regulations.
  • The information on this site should be considered as providing "general supporting information" to the Chemical Hygiene Plan of a particular supervisor. Supervisors can reference all or some of this site information within their Plans. UCSB EH&S can provide assistance to supervisors in preparing their Plans.

For any questions, comments or concerns regarding the wiki, please contact the NanoFab IT Team.