
From UCSB Nanofab Wiki
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Procedures and paperwork to get your students/employees into the NanoFab.

If you are looking for fabrication services by NanoFab staff, please see this section.

Please choose the appropriate section:

U.C. Santa Barbara Researchers

Applies to: UCSB faculty, post-docs, graduate students, undergraduates, interns etc.

Industry and non-U.C. Academic Institutions

Applies to: Employees of Companies (for-profit), and researchers from Universities/Academic Institutions that are not part for the University of California system. This includes Government research labs in any country.

If you think your institution has previously sent people to use our lab, some of this paperwork may already be in place. Contact the Lab Director to find out if that is the case.

To gain access to the lab and perform the work yourself requires the following steps:

  1. Submit a Detailed project description (download) to the Lab Director.
  2. Nanofab staff acceptance
  3. Provide a General Liability Insurance Certificate
    1. Commercial Form General Liability requirements:
      1. Combined Single Limit per Occurrence: $1,000,000
      2. General Aggregate, Bodily Injury, Property Damage: $2,000,000
      3.  The Regents of the University of California must be named as an additional insured.
      4. The CERTIFICATE HOLDER shall be identified as follows:  
        The Regents of the University of California
        Contracts & Property Office
        SAASB Bldg., Rm. 3203
        University of California
        Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2095
    2. An example certificate is attached (download).  Your certificate should have the same basic format and information as shown.
    3. The certificate should be emailed to the Lab Director.
  4. Provide Proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance or equivalent coverage. This is required under California state law.
    If the required certificate of insurance is not received and approved prior to the Facility User's intended use of facility, Facility User shall not be allowed to use University facilities.
  5. UCSB Blanket Liability Waiver (download) signed by all actual lab users (attached form)
  6. UCSB Facility Use Agreement (download) signed by an official company signatory (attached form)
    1. Attachment A - Lists UCSB facilities covered by the agreement.
  7. UCSB EH&S online safety course - check with Lab Director for requirements and access to the course.
  8. UCSB Nanofab orientation/training by the lab manager with review of the lab policy which can be found at the following link: NanoFab Lab Rules

Other U.C. Campuses

Applies To: Researchers at other University of California campuses, apart from U.C Santa Barbara.

To gain access to the lab and perform the work yourself requires the following steps:

  1. Submit a Detailed project description (download) to Demis D. John & Brian Thibeault
  2. Nanofab staff acceptance
  3. Signed Facilities Use - Memorandum of Understanding - Inter-UC Campus Use (download)
Attachment A - Lists UCSB facilities covered by the agreement.
  1. UCSB EH&S online safety course - check with Lab Director for requirements and access to the course.
  2. UCSB Nanofab orientation/training by the lab director with review of the lab policy which can be found at the following link: NanoFab Lab Rules

The Nanofab orientation is the last step before gaining access to the lab after all the paperwork is in order. The director will send you the necessary info at that step.

The orientation takes between 1-2 hours and is scheduled based on new user demand.  The orientation will explain actual lab use, equipment scheduling and trainings, discuss safety policy, enter users into the access system, tour the gowning room area and explain any questions about lab or tool use.  Please feel free to call or email to discuss in more detail.

Fabrication Services by NanoFab Staff

Perform fabrication services via NanoFab staff, instead of your staff/employees entering our lab.

Important Info on Fabrication Services

  • Rates are listed here. We bill for both "equipment use" plus "dedicated staff support" time per hour.
  • You will work directly with Demis or his staff to schedule the work, if the project is accepted.
  • Any project must first be accepted by our Project Scientists.
  • We have limited staff and are not a foundry, and we will only accept jobs that we are capable of performing with success.
  • There is no guarantee of research results or success in fabrication. We may also be able to suggest other ways to get your devices made in our lab if Staff use is not appropriate for your project.
  • You are billed as if your own employee were using the lab regardless of results. We can provide only a rough estimate of time and cost.
  • You will be billed for the Actual time and materials required during the job, regardless of project outcome. We send out bills monthly, with payment expected as Net30; Credit card payments are accepted.
  • Publications Policy - fabrication executed by NanoFab Staff is typically significant "intellectual contribution". Acknowledgement of NanoFab use is required at minimum.

Request Remote Fabrication Services

Submitting jobs for "remote" fabrication services requires the following steps:

1.   Contact us (email us) to determine project feasibility or ask questions.

2.   Nanofab Staff acceptance of project.

Paperwork for Fabrication Services

3. Submit the Project Info and Description Form (download) to Demis D. John and Brian Thibeault

  • No signatures required, only project info and contact info for internal billing purposes.

4.   Return the UCSB Service Agreement (download)

"Attachment A" for Service Agreement - Lists all UCSB facilities covered by this agreement.
  • Requires signature from your institution (signature authority required)
  • Only one agreement is needed per institution. Ask us to find out if your inst. already has one in place.
  • If you are a UCSB Group, we don't need the service agreement. from you, only the Project Info & Description Form (above).
  • If you are a group from another UC, we don't need the Service Agreement, instead we need a different form: The Inter-Campus MOU (here is Attachment A).