Important Announcements
Unaxis Etch: Down
We had to take the VAT controller off of this module to get the ICP-PECVD running. I have no immediate ETA for this system coming back online. Until we get this system running again you will need to use the Oxford Cobra system. -- Tony // John d 09:35, 13 February 2023 (PST)
Flip-Chip Bonder repair
The repaired heaters and controllers have shipped and are on the way. I don't have a firm delivery date yet as they need to clear customs once they make it to the states. // John d 19:12, 25 February 2023 (PST)
Dektak XT ready for training
We have replaced the Dektak 6M with a new Dektak XT profilometer. The system is available for training, please contact the tool supervisor. // John d 10:08, 7 February 2023 (PST)
Au Plating: DOWN
Bath damaged, system is down for repair. // John d 08:48, 27 October 2022 (PDT)