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Revision as of 21:19, 12 September 2024 by John d (talk | contribs) (→‎IBD is UP)
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Replaced bad PLC controller on Depo beam. I then tested the beam with a 15 min gridclean recipe without issue. I then ran an SiO2 dep, and a 1 hour gridclean without issue.

System UP - Mike Barreraz // Demis D. John 14:18, 12 September 2024 (PDT)

Focused Ion Beam (Raith Velion) - TOOL DOWN for Raith Service

Some users have experienced issues with column alignment when using Au ions. Raith service will be onsite today and tomrrow to make adjustments. I'll run checks and calibrations over the weekend. I expect the Raith Velion to be available again on Monday morning (Sept 16th). I'll send further updates if anything changes.

-Dan //Vraj Mehalana 10:58, 12 September 2024 (PDT)

Lab Closure Monday the 16th

We will be closing the Nanofab Monday, September 16, 2024 from 7 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. to accommodate the testing of the fire alarm system. Please schedule your process accordingly. // Vraj Mehalana 10:57, 12 September 2024 (PDT)

MLA150: UP

Optical AF has been calibrated and Defocus + Dose values are the same as before. PneuAF has not been checked et, but we expect a shift in PneuAF Defocus due to the Pneumatic nozzle replacement. // Demis D. John 18:14, 11 September 2024 (PDT)

Stepper #3 (ASML DUV) - Down, update

The alignment laser has now fully failed (no laser output at all), so we can't perform any exposures. ASML engineers will be on site Monday Tues (Sept 16th) to perform the repair. // Demis D. John 18:14, 11 September 2024 (PDT)

Suss SB6-8E

When the vendor came in to install the new top heater he wasn't able to get the z-axis (elevator motor) to move. He was able to install the new heater and do a PM on the rest of the tool. We are ordering a new z-axis controller on the recommendation of the vendor. If all goes well this should solve the issue and make the bonder fully operational. I'll send out an email once the new controller has been installed.

-Aidan //Vraj Mehalana 12:43, 3 September 2024 (PDT)

EBeam#2: Up

Bell jar mount is in place. Hoist has been tested several times. System is ready to use. // Demis D. John 18:14, 11 September 2024 (PDT)

YES EcoClean UP

The YES has been giving downstream temp warnings for the RF generator. These happen on the 3000W recipes that run for more than 4-5 minutes, and are just warnings (yellow banner/light), and can just be acknowledged without notifying Staff. Our other generator is out for repair, so this will be the norm until we get it back. Please let us know if you do get an error for this; red banner/light. // Demis D. John 18:14, 11 September 2024 (PDT)

ICP1 Down

The board we were waiting on arrived, but it did not resolve the tool issue. We are working with Panasonic on the next steps. //Vraj Mehalana 14:17, 1 March 2024 (PST)

Lab Access Changes: Symmetry App

The iris scanner has been decommissioned. Please use the card reader which supports:

-Physical card

-Mobile phone via Symmetry App

//Vraj Mehalana 16:59, 14 June 2024 (PDT)