UCSB NanoFab Announcements
Gasonics Down
Still troubleshooting, awaiting spare parts. // John d 11:26, 17 September 2018 (PDT)
RIE#5: Software Upgrades
RIE#5 Will be down next week from approximately Monday Sept. 17th to Thursday Sept. 20th, for a software upgrade to the same software running on the other PlasmaTherm tools. All users will need to be retrained after the upgrade is complete. // John d 15:16, 11 September 2018 (PDT)
PECVD#1: Software Upgrade
Plasmatherm will be upgrading the system software on September 17th. The upgrade will take 3-5 days. After the upgrade is complete, everyone must be re-certified to use the tool. Please document any custom recipes that you may have, in case they can't be copied over. // John d 06:38, 15 August 2018 (PDT)
RIE#5: SiCl4 Issue
We have a flow rate problem on the SiCl4 gas line. You can only flow the SiCl4 for 5 minutes and then you have to wait 5 minutes before you flow it again. So in order to to do a 10 minute Etch you will have to do it in three steps flow 5 mi, wait 5mi, then flow 5min. // John d 17:22, 15 June 2018 (PDT)
RIE#3: RF Issue
RF issues on RIE3 resolved. System is up. See email from tool owner for details. // Thibeault 09:43, 20 September 2018 (PDT)
Sputter#4: TiW gun shorted
Gun will be looked at during next opening this Friday 9/21. // Thibeault 08:31, 18 September 2018 (PDT)