UCSB NanoFab Announcements
Gasonics Down
Still troubleshooting, awaiting spare parts. // John d 11:26, 17 September 2018 (PDT)
EBeam #2: Scheduled Maintenance
On Monday the 17th, EB2 will be down all day for modifications. If possible we will have the system up and running by the end of the day either in it's modified form or as it is now. Please plan accordingly // John d 17:13, 12 September 2018 (PDT)
RIE#5: Software Upgrades
RIE#5 Will be down next week from approximately Monday Sept. 17th to Thursday Sept. 20th, for a software upgrade to the same software running on the other PlasmaTherm tools. All users will need to be retrained after the upgrade is complete. // John d 15:16, 11 September 2018 (PDT)
PECVD#1: Software Upgrade
Plasmatherm will be upgrading the system software on September 17th. The upgrade will take 3-5 days. After the upgrade is complete, everyone must be re-certified to use the tool. Please document any custom recipes that you may have, in case they can't be copied over. // John d 06:38, 15 August 2018 (PDT)
RIE#5: SiCl4 Issue
We have a flow rate problem on the SiCl4 gas line. You can only flow the SiCl4 for 5 minutes and then you have to wait 5 minutes before you flow it again. So in order to to do a 10 minute Etch you will have to do it in three steps flow 5 mi, wait 5mi, then flow 5min. // John d 17:22, 15 June 2018 (PDT)