AZ5214 - Basic Process

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AZ5214 is a positive PR to start. If you expose and develop, then the exposed areas develop out like a typical positive PR.

Positive operation with NO PEB nor Flood Expose. [Schematic produced via Fabublox]

However if instead you expose, then post-exposure-Bake “PEB”, the exposed areas become Hardened/impervious to developer. But the rest of the PR is still unexposed.

So THEN you flood expose the rest of the unexposed PR, and like a positive PR this now allows that PR to develop out.

2D schematic of AZ5214 negative PR process
Negative operation - requiring PEB and Flood Expose

Basic Process Flow

A Basic 5214 the process should look like:

  • Spin + soft-bake
  • MLA expose
  • P.E.Bake - harden the exposed PR, making it "negative"
  • Flood expose - expose the remaining positive PR
  • Develop