Photomask Ordering Procedure for UCSB Users

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  • Decide on photomask "grade" from photomask vendor quote, and determine price.
    • Ask Demis/Brian for recent ACADEMIC quotes. These are not to be shared with non-academic, non-UCSB users.
    • The "grade" or "item number" will include mask size/material, minimum feature size resolution etc.
      • Make sure the grade you choose specifies the correct glass plate size for the system you're using (eg. 5" or 4" plate etc), AND the correct minimum feature size ("critical dimension") on your CAD.
  • In Procurement Gateway, submit a "non-catalogue item" requisition for the appropriate photomask vendor, with quote number, $$ value from the quote, and approx. Item name (eg. "5090SL grade A mask plate" or whatever the quote says) entered.
  • Wait until the Gateway purchase is approved - you can prepare the order form in the mean time.
  • When it is approved, enter the new PO number from that Gateway Requisition into the Mask Order form document.
  • Email Mask Order Form and CAD file to photomask vendor as per vendor instructions (typically on the quote).