ICP Etching Recipes: Difference between revisions

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{{recipes|Dry Etching}}
{{recipes|Dry Etching}}
=[[Si Deep RIE (PlasmaTherm/Bosch Etch)]]=
=[[Si Deep RIE (PlasmaTherm/Bosch Etch)]]=
==Bosch and Release Etch (Si Deep RIE)==
*[[media:10-Si_Etch_Bosch_Release_DRIE.pdf|Bosch and Release Processes]]
==Single-step Si Etching (not Bosch Process!) (Si Deep RIE)==
==Single-step Si Etching (not Bosch Process!) (Si Deep RIE)==
*[[media:10-Si_Etch_using_DRIE_(single-step).pdf|Single-step Si Vertical Etch Recipe - SF<sub>6</sub>-C<sub>4</sub>F<sub>8</sub>-Ar]]
*[[media:10-Si_Etch_using_DRIE_(single-step).pdf|Single-step Si Vertical Etch Recipe - SF<sub>6</sub>-C<sub>4</sub>F<sub>8</sub>-Ar]]

Revision as of 23:51, 3 June 2016

Back to Dry Etching Recipes.

Si Deep RIE (PlasmaTherm/Bosch Etch)

Bosch and Release Etch (Si Deep RIE)

Single-step Si Etching (not Bosch Process!) (Si Deep RIE)

ICP Etch 1 (Panasonic E626I)

SiO2 Etching (Panasonic 1)

SiNx Etching (Panasonic 1)

Al Etch (Panasonic 1)

Cr Etch (Panasonic 1)

Ti Etch (Panasonic 1)

W-TiW Etch (Panasonic 1)

GaAs-AlGaAs Etch (Panasonic 1)

GaN Etch (Panasonic 1)

SiC Etch (Panasonic 1)

Sapphire Etch (Panasonic 1)

ICP Etch 2 (Panasonic E620)

Recipes starting points for materials without processes listed can be obtained from Panasonic1 recipe files. The chambers are slightly different, but essentially the same, requiring only small program changes to obtain similar results.

SiO2 Etching (Panasonic 2)

SiNx Etching (Panasonic 2)

Al Etch (Panasonic 2)

GaAs Etch (Panasonic 2)

ICP-Etch (Unaxis VLR)

GaAs-AlGaAs Etch (Unaxis VLR)

InP-InGaAs-InAlAs Etch (Unaxis VLR)

GaN Etch (Unaxis VLR)