PECVD 2 (Advanced Vacuum)
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- Films/Gases: This open-load system is dedicated to PECVD of SiO2, SiNx, SiOxNy, and a-Si using Silane (2%SiH4, 98% He), N2O, NH3, and N2 gases.
- Size: The sample electrode has a 270mm diameter useable area, allowing for multiple 4” wafer depositions in a single run.
- Temperature: Standard operating temperature is 300C, but can be user changed for temps ranging anywhere from 250 to 350C.
- Low-Stress Si3N4: The system is equipped with a dual generator, dual frequency option for growth of Low-stress Nitride films.
- These films alternate between thin (<10nm) compressive and tensile layers.
- The Low-Stress Si3N4 film recipe are tested approx. monthly, and kept within ±100MPa. Data can be found at Recipes (below) > Low-Stress Nitride.
See Also
- Operating Instructions
- Modifying the Deposition Time in STD_LS_Si3N4v4recipe
- Wafer Coating Process Traveler
- For particle counting method, see the Surfscan Scanning Procedure
Recipes & Historical Data
- Recipes can be found on the PECVD Recipes Page:
- Recipes > Vacuum Deposition Recipes > PECVD Recipes > PECVD 2 - Advanced Vacuum
- Thin-Films recorded: SiO2, Si3N4 and Low-Stress Si3N4
- A list of all available deposited films can be found on the Vacuum Deposition Recipes page: