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Location Bay 1
Tool Type Inspection, Test and Characterization
Manufacturer JEOL USA Inc
Description JEOL 7600F FESEM

Primary Supervisor Aidan Hopkins
(805) 893-2343

Secondary Supervisor

Bill Mitchell



The JEOL IT800HSL Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope is used for imaging a variety of samples made in the facility.


The system has multiple detectors, detailed below. Low-vacuum mode reduces sample charging by introducing N2 gas into the chamber, without sacrificing imaging quality (using a special vacuum nozzle on the electron column). Both of these are useful for imaging low conductivity and insulating materials without the need for conductive layer coatings.

The system can accept a 6” wafer, but only 140mm (X) and 80mm (Y) of the wafer is accessible with the stage movement.

The Hummer coater is used to deposit a thin AuPd on your samples, to reduce electrical charging of insulating samples (such as SiO2 substrates, or thick >1µm layers of SiO2 or PR).

This SEM also has an Electron-Beam Lithography Nabity system. Contact Aidan Hopkins for info.

Detailed Specifications


  • Resolution:
    • 0.5nm at 15kV SHL mode
    • 0.7nm at 1kV
    • 0.9nm at 500V
  • Magnification:
    • Photo magnification: x10 to x2,000,000 (128mm x 96mm)
    • Display magnification: x27 to x5,480,000 (1280pix x 960pix)
  • Imaging Modes:
    • STD: Standard
    • LDF: Large depth of focus
    • BD: Beam deceleration
      • Applies negative voltage to sample stage to increase effective acceleration without increasing beam acceleration (reducing charging).
    • SHL: Super hybrid lens ("immersion" lens)
  • Detectors
    • SED: Secondary electron detector (low angle) - default
    • UHD: Ultra high resolution detector
    • SBED: Scintillated back scatter electron detector
      • Inserts between the objective lens and the sample, high Z-contrast
    • LVBED: Low vacuum back scatter electron detector
    • LVSED: Low vacuum secondary electron detector
  • Accelerating Voltages:
    • SEM: 0.01 to 30kV
  • Probe currents
    • A few pA to 500nA (30kV) 100nA (5kV)
  • Specimen stage
    • X: 140mm Y: 80mm
    • Z: 6mm to 41mm
    • Tilt: -5 to 70 degrees (depending on sample holder and offset)
    • Rotation: 360 degrees

Operating Procedures