Lithography Recipes

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Table of Contents

Photolithography Processes

  1. UV Optical Lithography
  2. Lift-Off Recipes
    • Verified Recipes for lift-off using various photolith. tools
    • General educational description of this technique and it's limitations/considerations.
  3. E-beam Lithography
  4. Holography
    • For 1-D and 2-D gratings with 220nm nominal period, available on substrates up to 1 inch square.
    • Recipes for silicon substrates are provided, and have been translated to other substrates by users.
    • Datasheets are provided with starting recipes and usage info.

Photolithography Chemicals/Materials

  1. Underlayers
    • These are used beneath resists for both adhesive purposes and to enable bi-layer lift-off profiles for use with photoresist.
    • Datasheets are provided.
  2. Anti-Reflection Coatings:
    • The Photoresist Recipes section contains recipes using these materials.
    • Bottom Anti-Reflection Coatings (BARC) are used in the stepper systems, underneath the resists to eliminate substrate reflections that can affect resolution and repeatability for small, near resolution limited, feature sizes.
    • Datasheets are provided for reference on use of the materials.
  3. Contrast Enhancement Materials (CEM)
    • The Photoresist Recipes section contains recipes using these materials.
    • Used for resolution enhancement. Not for use in contact aligners, typically used on I-Line Steppers.
    • Datasheets provided with usage info.
  4. Adhesion Promoters
    • These are used to improve wetting of photoresists to your substrate.
    • Datasheets are provided on use of these materials.
  5. Low-K Spin-on Dielectrics
  6. Developers and Removers
    • Datasheets provided for reference.
    • Remover and Photoresist Strippers are used to dissolve PR during lift-off or after etching.

Photolithography Recipes

  • R = Recipe is available. Clicking this link will take you to the recipe.
  • A = Material is available for use, but no recipes are provided.

Click the tool title to go to recipes for that tool.

Click the photoresist title to get the datasheet, also found in Stocked Chemicals + Datasheets.

Photolithography Recipes
Contact Aligner Recipes Stepper Recipes Direct-Write Litho. Recipes
Positive Resists SUSS MJB-3 SUSS MA-6 Stepper 1
(GCA 6300)
Stepper 2
(AutoStep 200)
Stepper 3
AZ4110 R1 R1 A A R1
AZ4210 R1 R1 A A A
AZ4330RS R1 R1 A A R1
AZ4620 A A A A A
OCG 825-35CS A A A A A
SPR 955 CM-0.9 A R1 R1 R1 R1
SPR 955 CM-1.8 A A R1 R1 A
SPR 220-3.0 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
SPR 220-7.0 R1 R1 R1 R1 A
UV6-0.8 R1
UV210-0.3 R1
UV26-2.5 A
Negative Resists SUSS MJB-3 SUSS MA-6 Stepper 1
(GCA 6300)
Stepper 2
(AutoStep 200)
Stepper 3
AZ5214-EIR R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
AZnLOF 2020 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
AZnLOF 2035 A A A A A
AZnLOF 2070 A A A A A
AZnLOF 5510 A A R1 R1 A
UVN30-0.8 R1
SU-8 2005,2010,2015 A R1 A A A
SU-8 2075 A A A A R1
NR9-1000,3000,6000PY R1 R1 A R1 A
Anti-Reflection Coatings SUSS MJB-3 SUSS MA-6 Stepper 1
(GCA 6300)
Stepper 2
(AutoStep 200)
Stepper 3
XHRiC-11 A A A
DUV42-P R1
DS-K101-304 R1
SUSS MJB-3 SUSS MA-6 Stepper 1
(GCA 6300)
Stepper 2
(AutoStep 200)
Stepper 3

Lift-Off Recipes

E-Beam Lithography Recipes (JEOL JBX-6300FS)

  • Under Development.

FIB Lithography Recipes (Raith Velion)

To Be Added

Automated Coat/Develop System Recipes (S-Cubed Flexi)

Recipes pre-loaded on the S-Cubed Flexi automated coat/bake/develop system. Only staff may write new recipes, contact the tool supervisor for more info.

To Be Added

Holography Recipes

The Holography recipes here use the BARC layer XHRiC-11 & the high-res. I-Line photoresist THMR-IP3600HP-D.

Low-K Spin-On Dielectric Recipes

Chemicals Stocked + Datasheets

The following is a list of the lithography chemicals we stock in the lab, with links to the datasheets for each. The datasheets will often have important processing info such as spin-speed vs. thickness curves, typical process parameters, bake temps/times etc.

Positive Photoresists

i-line and broadband


Negative Photoresists

i-line and broadband


E-beam resists
Contrast Enhancement Materials
Anti-Reflection Coatings
Adhesion Promoters
Spin-On Dielectrics

Low-K Spin-On Dielectrics such as Benzocyclobutane and Spin-on Glass

Photoresist Removers